Privacy and Light

Screens + glass doors – The glass doors and screens can be opened either side, partially or fully. The screens can be moved to the balcony edge or between the living room and balcony maximising adaptability and restricting overlooking. 

Mix Developments - Homes for Londoners
Sliding folding glass doors
Mix Developments - Homes for Londoners
Sliding folding screens
Screens and glass doors half open and half closed – maximise views, adapt permeability and privacy.
Mix Developments - Homes for Londoners
Screens open, glass doors closed – keep the weather out and maximise the light coming in.
Mix Developments - Homes for Londoners
Screens closed, glass doors open – screens drawn at living room edge provides privacy, maintains airflow and views out from the balcony.
Mix Developments - Homes for Londoners
Screens closed, glass doors open – screens drawn at balcony edge extends the living room across the balcony, provides shade and privacy.
Mix Developments - Homes for Londoners