
Sustainability is core to our lives and our business
We achieve the highest affordable levels of sustainability for both construction and buildings in use. We give buyers power over their homes and environment by helping them to set up the management and maintenance of their development, and where possible include useful facilities like common rooms, roof terraces, communal gardens and grow-your-own planter beds.
We create environments in which communities can thrive, both within and neighbouring the site. We prefer to see people integrate rather than be physically separated by economic divide, so our developments are tenure-blind and a single main entrance is provided for all residents.
We aim to make sure that Mix’s affordable homes will always remain so throughout the lifetime of the building. Through a belt-and-braces approach, we enshrine this policy through S106 planning agreements, and by using a bespoke lease agreement. Homes also need to be economic to build, yet robust enough to last. Efficient developments are attractive to buyers and our business partners. We work very hard to ensure that service charges are kept to a minimum without compromising style and design or undermining residents’ quality of life.
Sustainability makes business sense.